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A Subject is a polymorphic data-type. It can take one of two values: a single uniquely identifiable subject (e.g. Subject ID) or a subject can take a value representing a set of subjects (e.g. Subject Sets).

Subject ID#

A subject ID can be any string. It is the app's responsibility to map the subjects taking action within the app to a constant, unique identifier.


Although a subject ID can be any string, it is encouraged to use a globally unique UUID of some form (uuidv4 or similar).


Let's say you're building an app that has end-users making API calls into your platform. Each user is uniquely idenfitied with a strictly increasing database key within a schema specific to that user's tenant (this app manages multi-tenancy with a schema-per-tenant model).

The app could choose to map (<tenant>, <user-id>) pairs to an appropriate UUID and use the UUID as the subject ID when writing relation tuples. Alternatively, the app could choose to use the <tenant>/<user-id> string (e.g. tenant1/user1) to identify the subjectID, so long as this string is guaranteed to be unique within the app.

Subject Sets#

A subject set defines the set of all subjects that have a specific relation to an object. Subject sets can "point to" or reference other subject sets, thus creating flexible pointer-chain references of hierarchical definitions (see Hierarchy example). Subject sets allow models that define Role-based Access Control (see RBAC example) polcies and other inheritance based relationships.


Consider the following table of relation tuples:


Using subject sets we create a recursive hierarchical relationship between teams and groups of users. In this example we have expressed the following statement "Anyone who is a member of 'group0' is also a member of 'group1' in the 'groups' namespace, and anyone who is in 'group1' is a participant of 'team0' in the 'teams' namespace.